About me

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I am a self proclaimed writer who is always looking for the chance to share my voice and ideas. I am all about the "blerd" life, and I believe that "From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks".
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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New and Improved

After taking some time to decide what I'd like to do with my free time, I thought I might consider doing a more blogging. I wracked my brain for new blogging ideas, and came up with nothing. However, as I began to peruse some of my old blogs, it struck me... Literary Criticism! No, not in any formal way, more of a book review. I read African American romance novels, scores of them. I also enjoy a good fantasy or thriller. Thus I have decided that I will go back through my stacks and stacks of books and begin to give my opinion on them. I'd love to share my thoughts and opinions with other people about the journeys and travels I go on through reading. By all means, join me! This may turn out to be a lot of fun!!